Virtual Office

Virtual office

Clipboard01 Company premises: we put at your disposal a legal address for your company premises, condition without which, in Romania, the company incorporation or its existence is not possible.
Clipboard01 Postal services: the letters will be scanned in at most 24 hours and transmitted on your e-mail address. The e-mail address will be put at your disposal on our server, so that we can assure ourselves that all the e-mails get to you.
Clipboard01 On-line system: will allow you to access on-line and anytime the scanned mail, the received phone calls or your company documents.
Clipboard01 Phone services: personalized answer to the phone calls. You will have an individual phone number. Our secretaries will take over the phone calls, by answering with your company name, during all working days. Exception makes the mass phone calls and the marketing actions.
Clipboard01 Centralized evidence of the phone calls, automatic information via E-mail for every newly appeared phone call.
Clipboard01 Fax services: there will be installed a fax number for you. The received faxes will be sent PDF format on your e-mail address. Faxes archiving. Up to 100 pages/month.
Clipboard01 Information transmission according to your requirements. Except for the mass phone calls or the marketing actions. Up to 100 phone calls/month in the fix network. The phone calls abroad or in the mobile network will be invoiced separately.
Clipboard01 E-mail services. If you already have an E-mail address of the Company from Romania, this can be daily checked by our secretary.
Clipboard01 Accounting: up to 50 accounting positions monthly, the related accounting for 5 employees, month closure and balance sheet.

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